As I watched I thought, wow ! so many times people get to points in their lives where they just don’t see, feel or care if there’s a way out. And hearing from someone as talented and successful as Shania Twain sharing her journey down the same dark, lonely road . . . well, that’s inspiration.


Today may not be the most perfect day in the world to talk about struggles. But it is the most perfect day to talk about inspiration.

Somewhere along our paths in life we’ve all struggled and/or watched or known of others struggling. The level of the struggle doesn’t matter because to the person going through the crises it is GINORMOUS !

If you’re a country music fan then you’re well aware of Shania Twain, her childhood, her rise to fame, her success and her new struggles.

But did you know she was becoming afraid to sing?

And did you know she realized there was only one person that was responsible for the outcome of her successfully carrying on in life?

“Why Not” premieres this evening on OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network). It’s Shania’s new tv show. It’s Shania’s journey forward. It’s Shania reaching out for and with inspiration.

It’s Mother’s Day. The show airs late in the evening (11 pm ET) so kick up your feet, tune in, be inspired . . . then pass it along !