
Every year we celebrate the feast of St. Patrick.

We feast on foods, some of which have nothing to do with Irish tradition. We drink green beer, we march in parades – or in the case of 2014 in Boston, we fight about marching in parades. Leave it to Boston to host a fight around the feast of St. Patrick – there’s a true Irish tradition.

But as we get drunk and rowdy, giving bad name to a holy-day, a saint, and in some cases, a school, how much do we know about St. Patrick.

Did you know:


  • St. Patrick was one of the world’s most popular saints
  • He was born at Kilpatrick, near Dumbarton, in Scotland, in the year 387
  • As a boy of fourteen or so, he was captured during a raiding party and taken to Ireland as a slave to herd and tend sheep.
  • During his captivity, he turned to God in prayer
  • Patrick’s captivity lasted until he was twenty, when he escaped after having a dream from God in which he was told to leave Ireland by going to the coast. There he found some sailors who took him back to Britain, where he reunited with his family.
  • He had another dream in which the people of Ireland were calling out to him “We beg you, holy youth, to come and walk among us once more.”
  • He began his studies for the priesthood.
  • Later, Patrick was ordained a bishop, and was sent to take the Gospel to Ireland. Patrick began preaching the Gospel throughout Ireland, converting many. Patrick preached and converted all of Ireland for 40 years. He worked many miracles and wrote of his love for God in Confessions. After years of living in poverty, traveling and enduring much suffering he died March 17, 461.

And the shamrockshamrock-trinity-prayer

Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Trinity, and has been associated with him and the Irish since that time.

Saint Patrick was a humble, pious, gentle man, whose love and total devotion to and trust in God should be a shining example to each of us. He feared nothing, not even death, so complete was his trust in God, and of the importance of his mission.

You can read a bit more about Dublin, Ireland here and more about Saint Patrick here.

And I’ll leave you on this lovely day with a beautiful song with a Celtic beat and a biblical story. Take a moment to listen. The story, the artist, the conviction. It’s just warming.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you!

~ ~ ~


~ ~ ~

You were put here to succeed. So . . .

When all else fails – and it will if you’re trying to be anything other than you –

Follow for Success . . . I would

~ ~ ~




The Happy Buddha (Chinese saint called Ho Tai)
Is known for bringing happiness and prosperity.
Laughing Buddha usually carries a bag full of gifts.
Laughing Buddha is the symbol for abundance and prosperity.
It is given as a gift to bring good fortune to households.





Just for Today . . .



I-Love-BostonBoston – it’s been an indescribable week. There’s no getting around that fact. The events that unfolded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 15, 2013 were the beginning of a week of horror.

There’s no need to “recap” the events. I don’t think there’s a place on the planet that didn’t become aware of the going ons. Yes, indeed, the Boston Marathon Bombings had a “ripple” effect across the planet. It was a horrible ripple that actually built and built and built like a Tsunami wave – a Tsunami wave of humanity.

But let’s “recap” the effects:

  • The Boston Marathon Bombings sent a shock wave across a City, a State and the World
  • Runners and bystanders reached out immediately to assist injured victims
  • Businesses opened up their doors to take stranded, injured and terrified runners and visitors in
  • People opened up their homes to take stranded, injured and terrified runners and visitors in
  • Two Emerson college students created the “Boston Strong” logo and tee-shirt out of a need to feel as though they were doing something to help – a sincere gesture which has gone on to raise millions of dollars which the victims of the bombing will receive.
  • Support, prayers and donations came in in a variety of different ways
  • Prejudice was put down as man instantly became one entity realizing they needed each other to get through this

All in all, this horrific event brought to the forefront the magnitude of what can be accomplished when we join in and support each other, love each other and are simply there for each other in whatever way we can be, big or small. It all matters as was evidenced in this past week in Boston and around the world.

So let’s take one very strong lesson from this horrific tragedy.

Don’t let it end …

This song is one of my all time favorite songs ever. It is sure to send chills down your spine. It sums it up eloquently. Listen, heed and share!



P.S. Normally, the writer-researcher in me would have “linked” above to all the accounts mentioned. But that’s not what this article was about. The only thing I seek to do here is to share the “Power of Love” and how not letting it end is the answer!




Did you ever do something in life that you regret? Doesn’t have to be a HUGE regret, just anything that you mighta kinda went, dang! why did I do (or not do) that.

Ya, don’t beat yourself up over it. You’re not alone. It’s a packed club. Been there … done that.

Well, I have a songwriter friend who’s not only done that, not only admitted to being “the guy who’s been there”, but who’s also written an awesome song about it. He’s a singer / songwriter in his own right but his songs have also been picked up, covered and turned into hits by many well-known artists.

Now, as you know from reading this blog, I often write about music and my musical influences because to me music is a phenomenal healing art. So in keeping with that caveat, I’d like to share this artist with you. His personal Facebook page is packed to the gills so he’s started an Official Artist Page so anyone who wishes to can follow along with him.

Before you indulge in the enjoyment of this song, take a moment to visit my friend, Singer / Songwriter Bobby Pinson’s Official Artist Facebook Page and give the page a quick “like” because Bobby’s a phenomenal songwriter with stories you can connect with, vocals you’ll tune in to and lessons you’ll learn from . . . all in a song !

Don’t regret not making the move to and liking Bobby’s Pagedo it NOW because otherwise you will regret not tuning in to this awesome artist. Don’t ask me how I know . . .

Bobby Pinson – Don’t Ask Me How I Know

I truly believe you’ll enjoy making this choice !

Enjoy Bobby Pinson and –  “Don’t Ask Me How I Know”


As I was checking my emails and newsfeeds and other interesting tidbits today, I came upon the day’s mentation question in the Spiritual Progression Path teachings of my dear friend Dr. Loretta Standley.

Then the other thing I “happened upon” was a song. It’s just a natural occurrence with me. One of the ways that God speaks to me is through music. Sometimes I get the message right away. Other times it’s a bit of a mystery why “that song playing in my head” would relate to whatever question or concern was going on in my heart. But, I never dismiss it. I always try to figure out its message … because it’s always an answer.

So today, the good Dr. Loretta Standley shared this mentation question:

“Am I in such a hurry that I cannot ‘see’ what is gradually going on right before my eyes?”

That’s a pretty good question, my conscious brain thought upon reading it. Stopped me dead in my tracks to think. Seriously, I had to chuckle because I wake everyday, say “Good Morning God, so, what are we doing today?” Then I grab my coffee, my to do list and set out to ‘get er done’. And often wonder why “this” isn’t working or “that” isn’t working. Well, maybe God answered my question – oh, no maybe about it, I’m sure he did. When I ask, HE answers. But sometimes I’m just ‘so busy hurrying about’ that I do not ‘see’ that he put the answer as to “how” to ‘get er done’ or “what” to get done, right in front of me. Nope, I rush right past it with my busy blindsided knowledge and get … nowhere but frustrated.

Gosh, if I’d only listen, really listen. Not listen to what “I think” is the answer, but listen to what “he gave” as the answer.

So here I am just checking my “in boxes” and Dr. Standley’s mentation caught my attention :

“Am I in such a hurry that I cannot ‘see’ what is gradually going on right before my eyes?”

But what immediately followed – and I do mean immediately – like I wasn’t even finished reading the question when I had to turn away and listen to the “player in my head”. This music junkie was struggling a little bit, grasping for the title and artist. The words were there … or actually the melody sang out first.

I dashed over to YouTube, typed in the lyric in my head and Voila ! up came the melody that was playing in my head. I still haven’t quite figured out the answer of this musical riddle for today. But …

What did Dr. Standley’s mentation question stir up in your subconscious mind? Ah, don’t fight it. It did something.

And I’m up for suggestions because I’m still working on how this song relates to this mentation question for “me”. If you want to help me out here, feel free to leave it in the comments section.

Mentation Question:

“Am I in such a hurry that I cannot ‘see’ what is gradually going on right before my eyes?”

My Musical Mentor Answered:

And before we depart for today, let me share that before I finished up today’s writing another song was playing in my head. We got an “oldies” Jukebox running this morning. But what’s playing in my head now is . . .

“slow down, you move too fast // you gotta make the morning last // just kicking down the cobblestones // looking for fun and feeling groovy”

You can hear THAT song here.

But I think I’ve got it figured out. The Mighty One is telling me to stop and smell the roses – stop worrying, I gotcha covered. I’ll lead the “way”, you just have to “follow”. (I guess I was so busy trying to “do it myself” that I didn’t “see” HE had it all taken care of ) Well, time to turn down the Divine Jukebox and follow the Divine Light !


And um, I’m Just Wondering . . .did anybody notice the face in the clouds above “blowing” light down upon you ~ a fascinating picture I thought !

(be sure to check out that artist’s gallery here)


“How well am I able to meet people in their time of difficulty”

That was the Mentation Question posted today at the wonderful site of my dear friend Dr. Loretta Standley. As soon as I read it a tingle went across my body, a thought raced across my mind and a song played in my head.

~ ~ ~

Close your eyes, breathe gently and think about that Mentation Question for a moment.

~ ~ ~

So often when we hear of another’s moment of difficulty we lend judgment rather than support. I often wondered why. Is it that hearing of another’s moment of pain and struggle brings to the surface our own difficulties we’re trying to get through and perhaps have buried unresolved? Why is it when someone shares a misfortune in their life or thrashes out with a comment during a moment of pain, we respond subjectively rather than objectively?

~ ~ ~

There’s a lot to ponder in that question so let me post it here again . . .

“How well am I able to meet people in their time of difficulty”.

~ ~ ~

As soon as “I” read Dr. Standley’s Mentation Question for today what came to my mind was a very powerful song. I remember the first time I heard it my skin tingled, I stopped dead in my tracks and just said “Wow” !

To me, someone else’s difficulty isn’t about Me – it’s about Them. So the next time someone, anyone, shares their moment of difficulty with you, thrashes out with a verbal assault while in pain, stop for a moment and ask yourself, “How well am I able to meet this person in their time of difficulty.” And instead of making the moment about YOU and becoming a critical know-it-all, ask yourself “Can I make it better?” And then . . . 

“of the million things that ran through my mind, only one I could say …”

Listen here – and try saying this next time – quite powerful!

~ ~ ~

Ever hear the expression “Aww, it’s too late. I can’t do …”

Well, I’m just not a real strong proponent of that comment. I mean, ya, if you want a chocolate chip cookie and there’s none left, well then, it’s too late. You can’t have one.

But I think that expression is meant in a far less “literal” sense. And so THAT’S what I just don’t buy into. It’s never too late to be, to do, to try… to say I’m sorry, I love you, I appreciate you. If you’re here … then it’s just never too late.

~ ~ ~

At the beginning of the year I came upon a video that was “shared” from one person to another and eventually made its way to me. Now, I don’t want to tell you what it is, that would ruin the surprise, diminish the intrigue. What I will say is I’ve been wanting to share it here with you but my day, my life, my schedule constantly seemed to be like a runaway train . . . and I’m finally catching up.

So . . . here it is . . . a beautifully inspiring video. Inspiring not just for the music, the vocals, the instrumentation; not just for the imagery, the phrases or the serenity it invokes; but inspirational also for its message . . . so simple, so profound, so true.

Please enjoy this beautiful video by Angel Love. “Share” it with your friends. Employ it in your life. And then . . .

Go find something you wanted to do that you thought it was to late to do and

Just Do It

because . . .

It’s Never Too Late !


Well a Happy Day Light Saving Time … is over … to you !!!

Hope you remembered to get up at 2 am and turn your clocks back so your sleep could be interrupted so that you could get an extra hour’s sleep – now that makes sense, doesn’t it??

Well, it’s Sunday, you’ve woken up to fall back into messin’ with your circadian rhythm. So, whether you :

  • remembered to turn your clock back before you went to bed
  • got up at 2:00 and tended to the task (seek counseling) or
  • totally forgot and arrived at the coffee shop before it opened …

Enjoy Your Day !

Kick back, relax and soak it all up because …

it’s Sunday and …

Keith Urban – I Never Work on a Sunday


and a big thank you for posting and allowing sharing of your videos to:

Be sure to check the channel out. It’s got some pretty cool stuff !!
