Well, here we are with the yearly tribute to Hallmark, the candy industry and the little cartoon creature running around in a funny little red suit with an arrow promising to lance your love interest and head them in your direction ~ oh, it’s all in the name of good fun ~ Cupid-with-Arrowand $$ if you’re a retailer!

Last year I posted a tribute to St. Valentine, the man this loving holiday is in honor of who was . . .

“beheaded and then named a martyr by the Church because he gave up his life to perform the sacrament of marriage: for love of love and love of God.”

The year before that I posted about being unable to choose between two loves and so I chose to love them both and discovered (not surprisingly) that there simply was no love like this kind of love.

This year I thought I would honor LOVE in another way – music. There’s all kinds of love and there’s all kinds of music. So let’s share with each other a favorite Love Song ~ whether that love is the love of a child, romantic love, a parent, a friend, whomever and whatever. Let’s put together a Love Song Track List for Valentine’s Day so everyone gets to fill their hearts and heads, their ears and their immediate surroundings with the sounds of Love.

If asked, I’m not sure I could choose a “favorite” love song. There’s certainly a myriad of musical melodies that touch that sentiment in so many ways. But today I’d like to share a more recent compilation by a phenomenal group that honors love. The lyric in this story is quite unique. I’m a word junkie and I think that’s why this one moved me so much. Then again, it could also be the gorgeous harmonies this group is known for. Whatever it is, it’s simply breathtaking and I share it here with you !

Happy Valentine’s Day

Enjoy . . .


Little Big Town – Sober

~ ~ ~



Some things need neither introduction nor explanation.

This is one of them.

Truly one of the most moving moments I’ve experienced in a long time.

Without words. With the mere whisper of music, this mini movie captures and captivates the most powerful human emotion – love – quenching our thirst yet leaving us salivating for more.

What did you experience after watching this one-minute blockbuster?

Budweiser Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial – Puppy Love

~ ~ ~

at the time of this posting the Super Bowl had not yet aired
yet there were close to 34 million views to this commercial

I’m guessing THIS will be the WINNER of the Super Bowl Commercials !




I-Love-BostonBoston – it’s been an indescribable week. There’s no getting around that fact. The events that unfolded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 15, 2013 were the beginning of a week of horror.

There’s no need to “recap” the events. I don’t think there’s a place on the planet that didn’t become aware of the going ons. Yes, indeed, the Boston Marathon Bombings had a “ripple” effect across the planet. It was a horrible ripple that actually built and built and built like a Tsunami wave – a Tsunami wave of humanity.

But let’s “recap” the effects:

  • The Boston Marathon Bombings sent a shock wave across a City, a State and the World
  • Runners and bystanders reached out immediately to assist injured victims
  • Businesses opened up their doors to take stranded, injured and terrified runners and visitors in
  • People opened up their homes to take stranded, injured and terrified runners and visitors in
  • Two Emerson college students created the “Boston Strong” logo and tee-shirt out of a need to feel as though they were doing something to help – a sincere gesture which has gone on to raise millions of dollars which the victims of the bombing will receive.
  • Support, prayers and donations came in in a variety of different ways
  • Prejudice was put down as man instantly became one entity realizing they needed each other to get through this

All in all, this horrific event brought to the forefront the magnitude of what can be accomplished when we join in and support each other, love each other and are simply there for each other in whatever way we can be, big or small. It all matters as was evidenced in this past week in Boston and around the world.

So let’s take one very strong lesson from this horrific tragedy.

Don’t let it end …

This song is one of my all time favorite songs ever. It is sure to send chills down your spine. It sums it up eloquently. Listen, heed and share!



P.S. Normally, the writer-researcher in me would have “linked” above to all the accounts mentioned. But that’s not what this article was about. The only thing I seek to do here is to share the “Power of Love” and how not letting it end is the answer!



valentines_day_comment_graphic_13“beheaded and then named a martyr by the Church because he gave up his life to perform the sacrament of marriage: for love of love and love of God.”


If nobody else, the card, candy, flower and jewelry industry love St. Valentine. Luckily for us, we won’t be “beheaded” for expressing our love. But as you venture out to buy that special something for that special someone, why not pay the man of sacrifice some loving tribute and read a little bit about how the holiday of (St.) Valentine’s Day came about . . .

And to those I love, here’s the song that I made my singing debut with … it’s a testament . . . it’s “For You” and “You” know who you are !

Happy Valentine’s Day to all . . .

Be sure to read some interesting facts about St. Valentine HERE ! and …

share in comments some of your Valentine’s Day memories, traditions, thoughts and feelings ! I’d LOVE to hear all about your feelings of this day of LOVE.

My “loving” tribute to those “I LOVE” !!!

All You Need Is Love  ~ The Beatles !

“Where were you God?”

“How could you let this happen?”

“Why is your world like this?”


They’re questions on everyone’s lips, in everyone’s hearts.


God’s world isn’t like this. Man’s world is.

God was in heaven preparing for their arrival, for HE knew what MAN was about to do.

With the heaviest of hearts, HE prepared the grandest of feasts, called forth all the angels to form an arch of wings at heaven’s entryway.

Saint Christopher, patron saint of travel, was called on to guide their safe return home. Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children (and the character behind the Santa Claus fable) was called upon to greet them with the grandest of gifts – peace, love and freedom from the wreck of a world from which they came. Harps played, bells rang, angels sang.


Unfortunately, MAN has been ridiculously panicking over the 12-21-2012 end of the world prediction.

Wake Up ! The world isn’t ending on 12-21-2012. The world, as we know it, as we knew it, is ending. And it’s not going to happen ON 12/21. It’s been happening for quite a while. Take a look around you. Can’t you see?

Maybe not. Maybe that’s why these children chose to return home in such a humanly horrific fashion, to shed light on the horror of mankind. THEY are safe. But are we? Will we continue to act in such violent disdain?

Candlelight vigils need to stay burning ad infinitum. What good are these horrific sacrifices, what good are these candlelight vigils if they don’t help man see that change needs to take place.


The assailant, his mother, the teachers, the children, they are gone and will be sorely missed. But THEY are safe. It truly is man who is in horrible pain, not in grieving for these acts, but in their everyday acts.

Do you wave to your neighbor then sleep with his wife?
Do you grieve over this massacre then yell at your own?
Do you support the tabloids and the demise of human lives they destroy?
Do you receive his body then silently condemn the congregation?
Will you sit at your Christmas feast and chew on your relatives?

As you go about your day today tying up loose strings to your holiday preparations, take note of your actions. Will you continue to honk at people on the roadways, curse at and cut them off? Will you continue to witness tired, frazzled children being reprimanded for acting out in exhaustion after hours of ‘shopping that must be done’? Will you utter ‘oh this tragedy is horrible, we need to do something’? Will you DO SOMETHING? Will you continue to contribute to a world gone a muck or have you finally seen the light?

Don’t let these children’s courageous sacrificial acts be in vain. Don’t let this tragedy (at Sandy Hook Elementary) be just another in a list of horrible headlines.


“Where was GOD”, you ask?

HE was in heaven, heavy-hearted, preparing the arrival of our most precious gift, the child. He was preparing the grandest of thank yous to these victims/these children, for the courageous role they played in helping mankind see that they need to change.

How sad that they had to go through such measures to shine a light on us.


December 21, 2012 is merely days away. Let this be the final act that enlightens man that the world as we know it must change to one of . . . LOVE!

The children of Sandy Hook have spoken. Did you really hear their cries? Did they get through to you?


Love One Another” isn’t just a cool bumper sticker. It’s a necessity and it’s way overdue.



“What’s meant to be will rise above, find its way, never be lost …”

Thoughts of you crossed my mind. I couldn’t help but wonder where you are, how you’re really doing. Then I dreamed of huge doves flying all around.

And as I wonder where you are … this crossed my path …

and I thought I’d share it for whomever else might need this touching reminder . . .

Peace Love & God Bless


In keeping things light and airy as spring, I share with you a quote that made my heart flutter, my smile smirk, my eyes twinkle and me giggle…it’s playful, the way LOVE should be !

Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?

~ Anonymous ~
