Wow ! It’s just been one of those weeks – maybe you could tell by the lack of posts.

I truly won’t bore you with the details. Let’s just say I feel like I’ve been stuck in backwards . . .

There’s been computer problems . . . weather problems . . . motivation problems . . . medical problems . . .

When I have a bad week I leave no stone unturned, believe me.

And through it all I felt really bad that some of my obligations weren’t being met. But I’m truly optimistic and I simply decided that for whatever the reason was that this week was going haywire, it was out of my control, so why worry about it because  . . .

It Happens – Sugarland



and a Happy Ground Hog Day to everyone in the northeast. Punxsutawney Phil saw no shadow today so . . .

Phil Says Expect an Early Spring!

just keep chanting that with every shovel full you throw !
