The day, the events, the footage all speak for itself. So many lost, so many affected and so many, I’m sure, still suffering.

As we take a moment today to remember that tragic day of September 11, 2001, let it remind us of what matters, what’s precious, and embrace those things – each other – daily.

It’s difficult to watch this video. It’s frightening. It’s sad. But I can watch it by choice. There are others who watch it daily in their minds without choice.

But let’s stand united today in memory of that fateful day 11 years ago. Let the video remind us of the preciousness of life and what happened that day. And then, if you would, share a story in comments of “Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning” and let’s stand together united in memory.

Where Were YOU When the World Stopped Turning . . .

I was in the produce aisle at Market Basket, Burlington, MA when all of a sudden people stopped short in their tracks and simply stared wide-eyed at each other. The moment is frozen in my mind. I left the market and drove to the high school where both my sons were attending and just sat outside crying … for the world’s losses, for the fear running through my body and for the two most beautiful gifts I’ve ever received in my life, my two sons, safe and sound in classrooms. They arrived safely home from school that afternoon and we all sat quietly together staring at the horror unfolding on the television before us and the world around us.

Never forget 9/11 – but also, never forget those that matter in your life because THEY are all that matters.

In memory of everyone and everything affected by this tragic day, including how blessed I felt to be a mother and for my two sons being safe and to Jason DiBlasi whose life so changed so shortly thereafter, God Bless and God be with you !

To the world – I LOVE YOU !

To my sons, Robert and Eric,  I LOVE YOU MORE !!!

To our service men and women everywhere, God Bless you, God be with you.

And to God – thank you – my gratitude for all you’ve given me is non-descript. It is in you I trust.


A very good reminder not to dwell on the problem . . . because when you’ve got God on your side, nothing is a problem.

The photo came through my newsfeed from the facebook page of scientist, visionary and author Gregg Braden.

Be Not Afraid, HE Stands Before You Always


As the sun begins to shine upon the unofficial start of summer this Memorial Day weekend, let us not forget the darkness that fell upon others in order for this day to exist.

Take a moment to reflect on the freedom you have, what it cost and how it was achieved. Remember today but be grateful always.

To those who served . . . thank you.

To those who died . . . I’m so sorry but thank you for what you gave.

And to those who suffered the loss of a service person, I cannot imagine your feelings. I’m so sorry for your loss and hope somewhere, somehow you find peace of mind.

Happy Memorial Day to All . . .



I found it quite moving that in this day and age it’s so much easier to share things with so many so quickly. Oftentimes, sadly, days like Veterans Day go unnoticed to some as nothing more than a day off and/or to catch up on things.

But with the infusion of social media it’s quite moving all the stories, memorials and honors being shared around the world.

Whether you are a veteran, know a veteran, have served, lost your life serving or are serving, today is a day for “us” to honor “you” and “your service” to this land we call FREE. Nothing’s free … and today we’re reminded of that by honoring all service men and women everywhere.

And sometimes things are quite impromptu and have lasting effects. The video below was a live concert encore. What happened was so moving the atmosphere became volcanic with applause. I never forgot it and I’d like to share it with you.

Take a moment to watch and think about “honoring” all our service people.




Toby Keith – American Soldier – Courtesy of the Red White and Blue
live September 17, 2011 in Boston !


For those who fight for this country

For those who’ve died for this country

We don’t take your mission lightly

We don’t forget what you’ve done

We don’t forget what you’ve lost


Thank you

God Bless You

Happy Memorial Day !



Some people Inspire Us while others frighten us.

It’s May 21st – if you’re reading this, guess what, YOU’RE ALIVE !


Were you frightened by the notion that the world was going to end today !

As Joan Rivers would say – “P-A-L-E-E-Z-E !”


Someone reminded me last night a bit after midnight that the world was going to come to an end today. Well, I slept in (that’s how worried I was), the sun is now shining (and that’s been a rarity in Boston lately) – and well . . .

It’s a beautiful day to be alive – as is every day !


And here’s a option that joined me for coffee this morning !

There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.  ~ Douglas H. Everett ~

Be Not Afraid – You’re Here – Get Moving – There’s Lots To Do !



Dare to be Different ~ Dare to be You

Dare to Be !


(As an aside … stop worrying … when it’s YOUR time to go, there ain’t nothing YOU can do to stop it !  Enjoy life because one day it will be over)

As I watched I thought, wow ! so many times people get to points in their lives where they just don’t see, feel or care if there’s a way out. And hearing from someone as talented and successful as Shania Twain sharing her journey down the same dark, lonely road . . . well, that’s inspiration.


Today may not be the most perfect day in the world to talk about struggles. But it is the most perfect day to talk about inspiration.

Somewhere along our paths in life we’ve all struggled and/or watched or known of others struggling. The level of the struggle doesn’t matter because to the person going through the crises it is GINORMOUS !

If you’re a country music fan then you’re well aware of Shania Twain, her childhood, her rise to fame, her success and her new struggles.

But did you know she was becoming afraid to sing?

And did you know she realized there was only one person that was responsible for the outcome of her successfully carrying on in life?

“Why Not” premieres this evening on OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network). It’s Shania’s new tv show. It’s Shania’s journey forward. It’s Shania reaching out for and with inspiration.

It’s Mother’s Day. The show airs late in the evening (11 pm ET) so kick up your feet, tune in, be inspired . . . then pass it along !


The USS New York

– made from the steel of the fallen Twin Towers –

The senseless killing – the pain, the scars

We’ve never forgotten – you’re in our hearts.

To the victims ~ To the military ~ To the USA

God Bless & Thank You

“The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it.” ~ Michelangelo

When I read this inspirational quote not only did a song pop into my head but the appreciation of its message bellowed.  So often we don’t allow ourselves to be, to do, to try whatever we want. We wrestle with two voices – one yelling “Go for it !” and the other yelling, “Who do you think you are?”

Yet too often we fall victim to the negative voice and our dreams fall short. It’s sad because if you think about it, who are you trying to live up to. If you’re trying to live up to anyone other than yourself, you are simply looking for an excuse not to be courageous.

It’s scary being courageous. What if we fail at what we’re attempting to do? What will “they” think? Who the heck is “they” anyway?

Excuses and fears !

I raised my two sons in the belief that you can have, you can do and you can be anything you want. If you didn’t succeed it’s because you didn’t believe.

And believe me, I’ve tried many things that many people rolled their eyes at. I’ve been talked about, snickered at and called foolish. But I just don’t care. I do it anyway.

But when I read the above quote it made me smile personally in memory of two things “even I” questioned myself on . . . but I questioned myself all the way to doing it, succeeding and having fun. And when I think back on both times I sure am glad I went ahead and gave it a go because to be honest with you, I would have been sorely disappointed otherwise. Both events brought so much joy.

So don’t doubt yourself. Roll right on past those rolling eyes to success and a good time ! Always, always, always . . . 


Dream Big – Ryan Shupe & the RubberBand


Have you ever done something that yourself or others thought was a little left of center and . . . had a good time . . . succeeded . . . and was so glad you didn’t let fear stop you ?

Have you ever NOT done something because yourself or others thought it was a little left of center and . . . felt sad, lost out, regretted it?

Let’s have some fun here and share both in comments . . .

don’t be afraid 😉 you’re not alone !



Are you searching for your path


Searching for the courage to follow it !
